Tuesday, April 01, 2008

Praising November, Panning August?

[Feb. 24]

Susan, in the span of minutes you praised November as a great comedy (almost no one agrees with this) and then criticized August: Osage County for being "like a soap opera everyone can see at home for free."

Are you sure you saw these shows? You are way, way off base here. There are times I feel you serve a purpose on the show to give the "everyman" viewpoint, but this is really ridiculous.

Gary Jaffe
New York, NY

[Feb. 25] Susan Haskins responds:

I did see both shows, and while I don't believe I called November a "great" comedy (I said I enjoyed it - which is not quite the same thing - and loved Nathan Lane), I did perceive August/Osage pretty much as you say.

Am I on the show to be everywoman? I do like to think my perceptions are more astute than that ... but whatever, there I am (and I produce Theater Talk, which is not unrelated),

I did not see August/Osage as a superior play-- though I wasn't bored and appreciated the acting. Also, I didn't so much see it as a soap opera. It was more like a "Lifetime" movie (which is a very influential populist form of the last decade or so . . . that everywoman is aware of, so maybe you are right about me).

Thank you so much for writing. We are delighted to hear your views!


[Feb. 25] Gary writes:

Dear Susan,

Upon further reflection -- and I'm not in any way trying to be rude . . . But, I find that the problem with Theater Talk is that you and Michael tend to engage in what I'd call "personal opinion and taste" rather than intellectual theater critique. So, your audience is often left with lots of giggling and snide comments from the two of you, but very little actual theatrical criticism. I feel that ON STAGE on NY1 does a much better job of getting the information to the NY theater audience.

This is what bothered me about your "takes" on NOVEMBER and AUGUST: OSAGE COUNTY -- it was just your "personal reaction" to these pieces, and did not seem founded in any deep knowledge of theater history.

Gary Jaffe

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